Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 5
Day 5 of NaNoWriMo, and I'm tired.
I stayed up too late playing the Sims and paid for it today with a headache. Some Motrin and food later, I was able to hit the 1,667-word count goal.
Still losing steam with the ideas, but I randomly got some material flowing out for Book 3 which felt good. Just got to let the words come out however they do, and I can fix it later. Got to remember that.
Total Words Logged: 12,065
How do you feel about Your Work?: Good. Starting to struggle a bit, but I got through it.
Something Fun that Happened Today: Playing on My Rags-to-Riches Farm. I made the house bigger.
A Song on My Mind: Home All Summer by Leslie Grace and Antonio Ramos (feat. Marc Anthony)
Currently Reading: The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Something you want to do Tomorrow: Continue with Book 3