Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 4

Day 4 of NaNoWriMo, and I cut it really close today with the word count in terms of finishing before midnight.

Since I had even less planned for these last few books, I struggled to keep writing more, but I pushed through and ended up coming up with a new plot point for Books 11 and 12 in the process. Both of them will hopefully be a lot of fun for me to write, and I'm adding so much more to my Pinterest board to envision it better.

I am now officially done brain-dumping all of the books in the series. So from now, I'm going to be focusing on filling in the blanks and creating more plots for later.

Wish me luck.

Total Words Logged: 10,385 (We've broken another digit!)

How do you feel about Your Work?: Good. I definitely had to dig deep to find more to write, but I did it.

Something Fun that Happened Today: I started a rags-to-riches farm gameplay in the Sims, and it's thriving

A Song on My Mind: Dynamite by BTS

Currently Reading: The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Something you want to do Tomorrow: Continue with Book 1


Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 5


Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 3