Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 20
Day 20 of NaNoWriMo, and I just hit 40,000 words!
I actually ended up working on a timeline today, so I could figure out when these events are happening. More specifically, I wanted to figure out how much time there was in-between books, including the month and year. With Book 4 and Book 5, I needed to put another year between them so the premise would be dramatic. I also figured out my main character's age in each book which took a lot of brain power to do honestly. I factored in birthdays and everything! Very proud of this work.
I can't wait to continue tomorrow.
Total Words Logged: 40,205
How do you feel about Your Work?: Good! I'm happy that I figured out the book timeline.
Something Fun that Happened Today: Watching Eureka.
A Song on My Mind: The Magic of Friendship Grows by My Little Pony (Don't Judge. That song is top-tier content.)
Currently Reading: Heartstopper Fanfiction
Something you want to do Tomorrow: Continue finishing Chapters for Book 1