Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 18
Day 18 of NaNoWriMo, and I have added another day to my lead.
Today I started writing earlier, and when I looked at the chart on the website, I realized how close I was to losing my lead. Not really, but I wanted to extend it by another day. So I did, and it was fun!
I ended up writing 1000 words in the morning and leisurely wrote the rest of the day up until now while watching episodes of Eureka, which is one of my inspirations for this series. I love small towns with big secrets, and adding in the married couple detective dynamic makes a fun series to write. I have to say though, the core family has been one of my favorites to write recently. I like writing about close-knit family units because that's what I grew up with, and a healthy family dynamic is so hard to find in fiction nowadays, so I'm happy to have it here.
Here's to more writing tomorrow! (After I color correct my capstone project).
Total Words Logged: 36,678
How do you feel about Your Work?: Great! I made a significant leap with my progress today, and it feels so good to be ahead of schedule.
Something Fun that Happened Today: Watching Eureka. I used to watch this show with my dad all the time, and now we do our own rewatches all the time. Such fun!
A Song on My Mind: Sad Forever by Lauv
Currently Reading: Twisted Hate by Ana Huang (My goal is to finish this series this month.)
Something you want to do Tomorrow: Continue making Chapters for Book 1