Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 25

Day 25 of NaNoWriMo, and I spent another day jumping around between books.

I couldn't find one to vibe with today, but that's okay. I'm just happy that I got my word count again. Honestly, my most thrilling moment of writing today was working on another location description. This one is very different from the one I was working on and is much more atmospheric.

Within the universe of this book, many worlds interconnect, and they all have their own culture making them all unique from one another is a fun and challenging task. I'm also trying to make sure that I don't completely rip off the standard fantasy world or appropriate someone else's culture as I make something.

There is a thin line between appreciation and appropriation.

Do you have a favorite magic world in fiction? The Grisha-Verse World is one of my favorites.

Total Words Logged: 49,000

How do you feel about Your Work?: Good! I got a lot of work done.

Something Fun that Happened Today: Playing the Sims. I made a house for a Lighthouse Keeper and his daughter who wants to be a vet!

A Song on My Mind: The Next Right Thing by Kristen Bell (Such an underrated song!)

Currently Reading: Heartstopper Fanfiction

Something you want to do Tomorrow: Continue working on random books


Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 26


Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 24