Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 13

Day 13 of NaNoWriMo, and I completely missed the fact that I was over halfway to the 50,000-word goal yesterday.

Like wow! So proud of myself right now, and I am really getting into the meat of some of the Books. I figured out a lot of plots for Book 1 today, and I've solidly marked the book's beginning and end. Now I just need to figure out more of the middle so I can finish connecting them.

After that, I can write more descriptions and finish the outline.

I also ended up working on a lot of the emotional and thrilling bits of Book 9 today since I decided to introduce a major character from that book in Book 1. I'm so excited to see how this all comes together!

Total Words Logged: 26,863

How do you feel about Your Work?: Great! I figured out a lot of plot points today, and I'm proud of that progress.

Something Fun that Happened Today: I watched a lot of Sims 4 speed builds, and I'm so ready to build after finishing this.

A Song on My Mind: f**k, i'm lonely by Lauv ft. Anne-Marie

Currently Reading: Enola Holmes Fanfiction

Something you want to do Tomorrow: Continue making Chapters for Book 1


Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 14


Author’s Log: NaNoWriMo 2022 Day 12